If you have ever compared the size and shape of your feet with someone else’s, you may have noticed that your arches hit the floor—giving you the appearance of a flattened foot. But flat feet are not just an aesthetic difference: they can cause extreme pain in the arches and contribute to ankle and knee problems later in life.

A Philadelphia podiatrist can help you understand and treat the causes of flat feet pain. First, he will performa physical exam, observing your feet from all angles. He may check the mechanics of your feet by watching you flex and point your toes, and will likely examine the wear pattern on your shoes to see how your feet bear weight.

If your foot pain is intense, your doctor may order additional diagnostic tests such as:

  • X-ray. An x-ray can detect any tiny fractures in the bones of your foot, as well as the early signs of arthritis.
  • CT scan. This scan will take pictures of your foot from multiple angles and provide better detail than a standard X-ray.
  • Ultrasound. These tests can detect soft tissue injuries and can help diagnose issues such as a torn tendon or ligament damage.
  • MRI. The magnetic waves in these tests can detect both soft and hard tissue injuries.

If your flat feet are causing you pain, the doctors and staff at HealthMark Foot & Ankle Associates can get you on the right course of treatment.Call us for an appointment in Media at 610-565-3668 or in Phoenixville at 610-933-8644 today to get started on pain-free living.

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